La Coupole, Centre d'Histoire et Planétarium 3D

Solo With family Between friends Teenagers For kids As a duo By motorhome

A veritable bunker built in 1943 by the German army, the site plunges visitors into the heart of history. La Coupole offers two guided tours to find out more about the secret weapons programme and daily life during the Occupation.

The facility also regularly hosts temporary exhibitions. Until the end of June 2023, La Coupole will be showing "L'espace à la française" and "1942, Vies brisées, vies sauvées".

The La Coupole history centre also has a 3D Planetarium that takes visitors up into the stars - it's a breathtaking spectacle!

Keep up to date with La Coupole on its networks, 3D Planetarium sessions on the website, and ask for the autumn-winter and spring-summer cultural programme so you don't miss a thing!

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  • Credit card
  • Postal or bank cheques
  • Holiday vouchers
  • Cash
  • Administration money orders
  • Restaurant vouchers


La Coupole, Centre d'Histoire et Planétarium 3D

Rue André Clabaux 62570 WIZERNES